Visit of Director of USAID Tajikistan Mission to “My community free of TB” activity

The Director of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in Tajikistan, Mr John Riordan, visited ‘Stop TB Partnership, Tajikistan’ (STPT) office on November 29, 2024, to introduce with the progress of “My community free of TB” activity.
The honorable guest introduced with the STPT governance structure and had a memorable conversation with the STPT staff, the representatives of TB affected communities and with the beloved personalities of the country/national celebrities who work as Stop TB Ambassadors to fight TB in Tajikistan.
During the sincere conversation, the Director of the USAID Tajikistan highly appreciated the contribution of the Stop TB Ambassadors to ending TB in Tajikistan and in the world, and valued their role in raising the TB profile.
During the visit, the need to further strengthen multilateral collaboration was emphasized in order to achieve the goal of ending TB.
The use of a portable X-ray device with artificial intelligence (AI), as one of the tools for TB contact investigation (CI), was demonstrated by the STPT CI team. In Tajikistan, a teamwork of health care workers, public organizations and outreach workers has been successfully implemented on TB case finding and provision of treatment adherence support.
The Director of USAID Tajikistan introduced with the STPT Media Center as well as the implementation of the OneImpact Tajikistan community-led monitoring (CLM), Video-supported treatment (VST) and the Results-Based Sponsorship Model in support of people with TB, which is being implemented jointly with the Committee on Religion in Tajikistan.
The Director of USAID Tajikistan also met with representatives of "Zero TB among Afghan refugee and migrant communities" project being implemented in Vahdat city and the “TBPeople Tajikistan” which is a new initiative of the STPT.
"My community free of TB" activity has been implemented by ‘Stop TB Partnership, Tajikistan’ since 2021 with a funding support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in the city/district of Kulob, Farkhor, Muminobod, Vose and Hamadoni districts.