My community free of TB


The mission of USAID ‘My community free of TB’ activity is to contribute to achieving the national development targets by ending the TB epidemic in the country in line with the UNGA Political Declaration and targets. The activity supports communities in early active TB detection and strengthening adherence to treatment among people with TB. In line with WHO Multisectoral Accountability Framework for TB (MAF-TB), the activity ‘My community free of TB’ allows collaboration and coordination in various levels to strengthen meaningful engagement of various state and none-state stakeholders and resources in the provision of multidisciplinary, person-centered TB prevention and care services.

TB Support Groups (TBSGs)/outreach workers (members include people affected by TB) are the key players in the activity districts who through their daily-basis interaction with the districts’ healthcare professionals are involved in conducting TB Contact Investigation (CI), including with portable X-Ray device with artificial intelligence (AI) at the level of families, providing social escort to people with TB symptoms for further TB investigations, supporting timely treatment initiation and supporting for treatment completion. 


“Strengthening the contribution of communities in early active TB detection and strengthening adherence to treatment among people with TB in 6 pilot districts of Khatlon region, Tajikistan”.


  • Intensified TB contact investigation for increased detection of all forms of TB among the population and risk groups of the targeted districts by combining the efforts of TB Support Groups/outreach workers/Community-based organizations (CBOs), involved health/social system structures, and through leadership support of state authorities at district and national levels.


  • Improved TB treatment adherence via implementation of digital innovations: 
  1. OneImpact Community-Led Monitoring/CLM-a tool that empowers people with TB with knowledge, allows to report issues in real time that are development of knowledge and reporting systems for people with TB and supporting community actors/national level activity experts to collect, respond/resolve, analyze the patient data and communicate key information/issues on barriers, access and quality to decision-makers thus triggering accountability.
  2. Video-supported treatment/VST - a tool that contributes to implementation of person-centered services and reduces TB service visits-related costs by allowing a person to take medication at his/her convenient place and send the video recording of the process from a smartphone while the doctor receives the video file, remotely observing TB treatment process and available for any needed support.
  • Maximized reach of key TB messages among various audience (decision-makers, health and social care workers, people affected by TB and general population) through involvement of influential figures and national celebrities aimed to advocate, raise TB profile, awareness, trigger accountability to de-stigmatize the disease, improve prevention measures, healthcare-seeking behavior and to promote sense of care and support towards people, families affected by TB.


Onelmpact is a Community Led Monitoring (CLM) solution and process through which people affected by TB, in particular KVPS are empowered to meaningfully engage and be part of the TB