Strengthening the TB response through multi-stakeholder partnerships
The Stop TB Partnership is a unique international organization at the forefront of the global TB response, bringing together expertise, innovation, medicines and diagnostics, and people-centered services from a broad range of partners with a shared vision to end TB by 2030. TB remains marginalized, unknown, and severely underfunded. Specific advocacy efforts at national and subnational levels are essential to ensure an increase in TB funding and increased investments in community-led engagement, human rights, and gender equality in TB.
Since early 2019, Stop TB Partnership supports country-level partnership platforms that aim at strengthening TB prevention and care in countries in close collaboration with the National Tuberculosis Control Programmes (NTPs) towards achieving the targets of the Global Plan to End TB. Working as coalitions, country platforms are voluntary alliances between organizations drawn from the public, civil society, journalists, celebrities, private/business sectors and others who commit to working collaboratively on TB prevention and care.
To support these country-level partnership platforms, the Stop TB Partnerships provided small grants to
promote a multi-sectoral response to ending TB. Thus far, country platforms have made significant
achievements through these grants in advocacy, coordination, and partnership initiatives and efforts,
particularly their engagement in various platforms related to TB at the national and sub-national level, they managed to mobilize high-level government officials, national key stakeholders, and practitioners across sectors to collect commitments to end TB by 2030.
The next funding cycle May 2024- May 2025, the Stop TB Partnership will continue to support the country platform partnerships in Cambodia, Indonesia, Ukraine, Tajikistan, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Uganda, Kenya, Zambia, Tanzania, Mozambique, Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon, DRC, Malawi, Ethiopia, and Zimbabwe. The selected countries are among the world’s high burden of TB as well as priority countries for the main donor.
In alignment with the relevant goals of the Global Plan to End TB specifically Goal 1: ‘’Advocate, catalyze
and facilitate sustained collaboration and coordination among partners to achieve the targets under the Global Plan and move towards ending TB’’, the next funding cycle of the country platforms partnerships will focus on the following objectives:
- Enhance efforts on domestic resource mobilization.
- Support the increase in visibility and understanding of TB response and TB efforts at country level
- Create sustainable partnerships that will function as advocacy tools, creating sufficient critical mass
to deliver change around TB issues
- Development and delivery of TB related messaging, aligned to the global agenda through alignment
of national and regional advocacy efforts
- Implement specific efforts to increase the number of partners engaged in TB response at national
level and ensure relevance of the country platforms
- Position Stop TB Partnership as a strategic leader and key convener and facilitator on TB
- Assess the capacities and organizational development of each of these partners and identify gaps
where the Stop TB Secretariat can offer support to building capacities of the country platforms
Expected outcomes
- Domestic funding is mobilized, and more resources are invested in ending TB
- TB disease is highly positioned in the political agenda through strengthened TB advocacy at the
national level
- Country platforms and stakeholders are fully engaged through catalyzed country dialogues; are
aware of the expectations of the next UN HLM, and are well prepared for their participation in this
- Civil Society Groups including women and youth are engaged in the call to action to meet the UN
HLM targets and commitments
Expected impact: Partnerships that work across national and regional boundaries towards ending TB